Our Focus
Our direction each year shall be based on recommendations made by the members at the Annual Membership Meeting held during the National Training Program (NTP) and adopted by the Board of Directors at the first meeting following the training program. The following are the foundational pillars of FEW: Compliance, Diversity, Legislative, and Training.
For the purposes of FEW, the term in its broadest meaning is conformance on the part of a federal department, agency, or subordinate agency with existing laws pertaining to the administration of the Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) Program and the Federal Personnel System. FEW is primarily concerned with the regulations and compliance with these laws by monitoring agency and local activity programs and in providing guidance to FEW members and other employees.
Because minority women have historically suffered the double discrimination of sex and racial/national origin, FEW recognizes the need to establish a policy to assist the National President. This policy would assist in paving the way for promoting better understanding and recommending change that would make FEW more responsive to the needs of minority members.
The policy objectives are to ensure:
- FEW members and potential members understand FEW is an organization for all women and men in the federal government;
- a structured approach to assist FEW in being more responsive to the concerns of minority women as well as a mechanism for implementing the plan, evaluating progress, and recommending change, when appropriate;
- the National Vice President for Diversity promulgates this concern with the issues through appropriate activities; and
- an awareness of FEW’s policy and the need to work together to use increased diversity cognizance is provided to members, chapters, regions, and national
FEW supports the premise that analysis of proposed legislation designed to eliminate discrimination against women employed in government should receive top priority. However, it is increasingly important to support legislation that affects the status of women as a class, whether or not federally employed.
The educational policy of FEW is to develop and to provide training programs to enable women to increase their skills and enhance their potential for career advancement; to develop and to provide training programs which address the special needs and problems of women employees in the government and provide a description of programs targeted to meet those needs
This is a continuing commitment to offer a valuable career development and leadership training program through national, regional, and local FEW meetings, seminars, and conferences to each member and prospective member.