Mid Continent Region
States Covered: IA, IL, KS, MO, NE
Gloria J. Sherman
Regional Manager
Gloria joined Federally Employed Women in 1999 and is a Diamond Lifetime member. She served as National Secretary 2014-2018 and National Webmaster 2018 – 2022. She was the Mid-Continent Regional Manager from 2008-2014, 2021-2022 and currently. She was a Chapter President 2001-2008 and 2021-2024. She is Webmaster for FEW Foundation for Education and Training (FFET).
Gloria earned her Bachelor of Science in Business and her master’s degree in business administration, both from Kansas State University, Manhattan, Kansas.
Gloria is a retired Lieutenant Colonel. Her last assignment was Comptroller for Joint Forces Headquarters, Kansas Army National Guard in Topeka, Kansas in 2010.